Saturday, October 3, 2015

Have you ever wondered why your family acts the way it does? Or how different family members react to different situations? I had never really thought about it before, but then in class we talked about the family system, and how each member plays a role and affects the other members in one way or another.

For one of our assignments in class we wrote up a list of rules that our families had. It was interesting thinking back about the rules that we had in my home when I was growing up. Looking at where I am now, and where my siblings are, I realize how much family rules can have an impact on how the children turn out when they leave home. A huge rule that was emphasized in my home was respect and obedience, especially to my parents. I could always tell a difference just in the feeling of the home when that rule was being followed and the system of the home was running very smoothly, as compared to when there was arguing and all that other fun stuff that is in every home every once in a while. Talk about one thing affecting another. It was almost like a domino effect, one kid would back talk mom or dad, parents would get upset, child would get defensive, bad moods spread throughout all the members of the family. Kind of humorous it works that way wouldn’t you say. But the best part about it is that the family is still the base and the most important system and unit of society. Only in the home can you go one minute from being extremely mad at a sibling and in the next minute be out playing together. Why? Because the family is ordained of God. He wants us to be happy, and the home with our families is where we can be the happiest when we are all working in harmony with one another.  

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