Saturday, November 28, 2015

In today’s world people seem to underestimate, and even belittle the role of a father in children’s lives. Many do not realize how important a father’s role really is in the lives of children. In the past any studies have been done on the relationships between mothers and their children, but not many on relationships between fathers and their children. But in a more recent study I found they talked about the role of the father in the family and on the children.
The first point that I think is important is the role of fathers during pre-birth and after the child is born. For most the father should be involved before the child is born. When the mother involves her husband in the growth of the child when it is in her whom the father is able to start building a relationship with the child from the beginning. A couple things that the mother could do is let her husband feel when the baby kicks, or other things that go on. Then the father feels he is a part of the child’s life before it is even born. After the baby is born the father still has a huge role to play. In a study the researchers said “As a baby develops a relationship with his or her mother and father, he comes to prefer them to other adults”.
I’m sure everyone would agree that the best years of children’s lives in their teenage years. Or maybe not. It certainly is the time where children change the most and really start to learn and find who they are. Even though that tends to be the time that children turn away from their parents, their parents still play a huge role in their lives. Fathers and teenagers
The father doesn’t just play a huge role in each child’s life, but also in the family as a whole, in the family System. The Family a Proclamation to the World states “fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families.” Just from that statement we get the feel of how important the father is, and also the opposite effect, how hard it would be without the father there fulfilling those roles.
That brings me to the next point that I think is important to include, that is what happens when the Father is out of the home. Like I mentioned earlier many people do not think about how much of an impact the father plays in the lives of their children. And how devastating it is on the lives of children when they don’t have a father. Some of the effects on children who grow up without a father in the home are increase risks of dropping out of school, behavior disorders, drug abuse, and suicides just to name a few.
Fathers play a huge role in the development of kids. The last point I would like to talk about is a topic I found on an article, they called it “Good Fathering is good parenting.” Children look up to their fathers, he sets an example for them and gives them the motivation to work and expire to something higher. From day one, when fathers take time to spend with their children they are able to build lasting relationships that will ultimately greatly benefit their children's lives. More than some may think.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The main topic this week was communication. If you have been or are in any kind of relationship you know that communication is a huge thing. And if you didn’t know that, now you do. And why is that? Think about it, what comes to your mind.

There were three different methods of communication that we discussed. Communication through words, out tone, and also non-verbal communication. Which of those would you say is more prominent? When you think of communication often times you would think of actually speaking, so most would say words. But one study showed that 51% is non-verbal, 35% is tone, then words actually being the least with 14%. It is often times with the non-verbal communication where problems arise. No one knows what someone else is thinking in any given situation. That is why it is important to communicate through words with our spouse, and the rest of the family. Lots of times problems will arise just because of misunderstanding, sometimes which can be devastating. Little problems can turn into big problems without communication. Something I have learned with roommates is that if we are to discuss problems when they are very small it is so much easier to resolve them then when we let them grow. Like in all situations it is easier to fix a problem when it is small than when it is large.

It is important to have good communication with those around us. It shows others we care about them when we take them time to communicate and to understand and see where others are coming from. Not only does it show people we care, but it strengthens our relationships, and that is ultimately what we want.    

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why do bad things happen to good people? Common question that many people ask. How would you answer? My first response to that question is it is through those hard and trying time that we are able to grow the most.

This week in class we talked about crisis, namely family crisis. Not only do bad things happen to good people, but bad things happen to good families as well. Crisis always strikes at one point or another. Whether it be as small as a sprained ankle to has large as a death of a family member. We see time and time again how when crisis hits individuals and families tend to crumble. But we also see individuals and families that become stronger and closer when crisis stiles them. When family members are able to lean on each other and overcome the bad things together, relationships are strengthened.

A statement that I really like is “when we actually have to work for something we gain more appreciation for what we have.” That is something I have certainly seen and learned throughout my life. For me personally I know how much more something means to me when I myself put in the work to receive whatever the result or reward is. When we are faced with hard trying times when we put the work it to overcome that trial we gain appreciation for it because of what we were able to learn from it. What it comes down to is how we choose to react to the trials put in our paths. We can chose to use them as an opportunity to grow or we can let them over take us tare us down.

 God doesn’t punish people by allowing bad things to happen to us. One of my favorite quotes is by Elder Jorg Klebingat, he said “often trials and tribulations are allowed to come into [your life] because of what [you] are doing right”. I believe that to be true. Trials are what truly strengthens and help us to learn and grow the most. It is our choice of how we respond to trials that help shape us into who we are and who we will become.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

When you think of a strong successful marriage what words come into your mind? For me I think of words such has love, trust, kindness, loyalty, dependency, devotion, faithful, just to name a few. Then think about a failed marriage, or just a marriage that is struggling. Which of those words that I have named would be violated? Pretty much all of them.

It is a sad thing when you see a marriage fall apart. Two people that once loved each other so much, and then by something that one of them might have done terse them apart. One of the greatest causes being infidelity. When spouses are unfaithful to one another. Nothing can be harder on a marriage then when one spouse cheats on the other. It is sad how much that happens these days.

In the Doctrine and Covenants section 42 verse 22 it says “Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.” That is a commandment from God. Marriages, just like life, aren’t meant to be easy, but they are worth it. When you are having problems in a marriage don’t turn away from your spouse, instead turn toward them, work out the problem together and by doing so your marriage and your love for one another will grow. Too often when couple are struggling they will go to parents or friends, and instead of taking that opportunity to grow close as a couple by overcoming the problem, more problems are caused and your marriage just grows farther apart. A statement that was made in class that I really liked was “one way we protect our marriage is by being kind and loving on the inside; that will make you strong on the outside.” Love one another, serve one another, work through problems and trials together, and your marriage will not fail, but will ultimately be beautiful.