Saturday, November 21, 2015

The main topic this week was communication. If you have been or are in any kind of relationship you know that communication is a huge thing. And if you didn’t know that, now you do. And why is that? Think about it, what comes to your mind.

There were three different methods of communication that we discussed. Communication through words, out tone, and also non-verbal communication. Which of those would you say is more prominent? When you think of communication often times you would think of actually speaking, so most would say words. But one study showed that 51% is non-verbal, 35% is tone, then words actually being the least with 14%. It is often times with the non-verbal communication where problems arise. No one knows what someone else is thinking in any given situation. That is why it is important to communicate through words with our spouse, and the rest of the family. Lots of times problems will arise just because of misunderstanding, sometimes which can be devastating. Little problems can turn into big problems without communication. Something I have learned with roommates is that if we are to discuss problems when they are very small it is so much easier to resolve them then when we let them grow. Like in all situations it is easier to fix a problem when it is small than when it is large.

It is important to have good communication with those around us. It shows others we care about them when we take them time to communicate and to understand and see where others are coming from. Not only does it show people we care, but it strengthens our relationships, and that is ultimately what we want.    

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