Saturday, November 7, 2015

When you think of a strong successful marriage what words come into your mind? For me I think of words such has love, trust, kindness, loyalty, dependency, devotion, faithful, just to name a few. Then think about a failed marriage, or just a marriage that is struggling. Which of those words that I have named would be violated? Pretty much all of them.

It is a sad thing when you see a marriage fall apart. Two people that once loved each other so much, and then by something that one of them might have done terse them apart. One of the greatest causes being infidelity. When spouses are unfaithful to one another. Nothing can be harder on a marriage then when one spouse cheats on the other. It is sad how much that happens these days.

In the Doctrine and Covenants section 42 verse 22 it says “Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.” That is a commandment from God. Marriages, just like life, aren’t meant to be easy, but they are worth it. When you are having problems in a marriage don’t turn away from your spouse, instead turn toward them, work out the problem together and by doing so your marriage and your love for one another will grow. Too often when couple are struggling they will go to parents or friends, and instead of taking that opportunity to grow close as a couple by overcoming the problem, more problems are caused and your marriage just grows farther apart. A statement that was made in class that I really liked was “one way we protect our marriage is by being kind and loving on the inside; that will make you strong on the outside.” Love one another, serve one another, work through problems and trials together, and your marriage will not fail, but will ultimately be beautiful.

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